The Best Psychometric Tests For Recruitment
Psychometric tests help recruiters see beyond resumes by assessing a candidate's natural talents, thinking style, and potential for success in the role and company culture. This helps them pick the best fit and avoid bias during hiring.
This blog will break down the best psychometric tools to use as a recruiter, for finding the right candidate, to identify their strengths and weaknesses specifically in relation to the role (no matter how niche the role is!) and generally for making your search a lot easier, with higher success rates.
> Get in touch for a consultation todayThe Quest Profiler®

Psychometric testing provides valuable insights that can help you select the best candidate for the job. Learn how to leverage psychometrics to improve your hiring success rates.
The Quest Profiler® measures a number of behavioural preferences that impact the way an individual works. QUEST stands for QUestionnaire to Establish Styles and Traits. This is not an ability-driven test, but should be used in conjunction with other assessment tools that measure ability, motivation and experience, to understand how a person is likely to behave within an organisational setting.
The Quest Profiler® measures behaviours in relation to people, thinking, feeling and drive. Each category is broken down into smaller categories, which help you as a recruiter to see which areas your candidate naturally excels in, and what skills they may be lacking, which is hard to tell from their CV.
The Quest Profiler® offers different reports for various needs. The Selection & Recruitment report has an option to combine with the Job Analysis Tool’s Role Profile. This combined report highlights strengths and weaknesses relevant to the specific job description. This allows recruiters to compare candidates directly and see who best aligns with the role's requirements, for example: Analysis is crucial to the role and a score between 7-10 would be ideal, Sensitivity to Criticism is important and a score between 1-4 would be ideal. This is highly efficient for streamlining your search.
> Check out the Quest Profiler®Aptitude Tests
This allows recruiters to choose the most relevant test battery for the specific role they're hiring for. Instead of a one-size-fits-all approach, recruiters can assess the exact skills needed for the position. The tests are divided into five series based on job roles:
- Managerial & Professional: Designed for graduate-level recruitment up to senior management positions. These tests assess numerical and verbal reasoning skills.
- Supervisory & Team Leader: Suitable for supervisor and team leader roles. These tests assess numerical and verbal reasoning skills.
- Clerical & Admin: Designed for clerical, administrative, and support roles. These tests assess grammar, spelling, basic computation, proofreading, and data checking abilities.
- Operative: Meant for shop floor staff like manufacturing or warehouse workers. These tests assess basic reasoning, using numbers, and mechanical knowledge.
- Specialist: Focuses on spatial awareness, inductive reasoning, and deductive reasoning for roles involving symbols and coding, like IT specialists and engineers.
eras Aptitude Tests go beyond what a resume reveals. For instance, one of the Managerial tests assesses verbal reasoning, which can indicate a candidate's communication and persuasion skills crucial for leadership roles. Similarly, the Clerical tests cover proofreading and data checking, essential skills for administrative positions.
Additionally, these Aptitude Tests don't rely on general knowledge or require high educational attainment. Instead, they focus on practical skills directly applicable to the job. For example, the Operative series’ Using Numbers test assesses skills that are essential for calculating material quantities or production rates.
> Check out the Aptitude TestsJob Analysis
This tool analyses the role that you are hiring for and identifies the key requirements, skills and competencies of a candidate for this role. This can then create an Ideal Role Profile, for you to measure candidates against.
But that's not all! The report goes a step further by providing you with a range of competency-based interview questions. These questions are specifically tailored to assess the competencies you identified as crucial. This equips you to conduct focused interviews that effectively evaluate candidates against your Ideal Role Profile.
If you already know what behaviours and competencies are important or crucial to the role that you're trying to fill, creating a self designed Ideal Role Profile will allow you to do so with ease. Once created, role summaries can be generated that define the role and also provide a range of competency based interview questions.
A Job Analysis should always take place at the start of the recruitment process, when restructuring roles, or before workplace strategic planning.
> Check out the Job Analysis ToolsJob Match Matrix Tools
eras Job Match tools are a way of taking your recruitment streamlining process one step further. It takes Sten scores (standardised scores) from The Quest Profiler® personality assessment and compares them to the requirements you defined for the role profile.
This tool has been designed to be as easy to use as possible. The document also highlights the importance of each competency for the role. Crucial competencies are marked with a star and heavily influence the candidate's overall suitability.
Every recruiter faces the potential issue of candidates tweaking their answers to try and look more suitable for the role. The Job Match Tool combats this issue with Reliability Scores. The column on their report shows scores related to the reliability of other scores. This is done in the following way:
- Ipsative profiles (forced choice): A high score indicates consistency in how the candidate answered the questionnaire.
- Normative profiles (compared to a group): A high score might suggest the candidate tried to present themselves in an overly positive light, while a very low score could indicate excessive self-criticism.
Overall Fit: Your results will also display a percentage representing the candidate's overall fit for the role.
> Check out the Job Match toolsMake The Most Of The Best Psychometric Tests For Recruitment
Overall, eras services can empower recruiters to make data-driven decisions throughout the recruitment process, from attracting the right talent to selecting the best candidate for the job.
To find and make the most out of the best psychometric tests for recruitment, contact eras today for a free consultation. Their friendly and expert customer service team will listen to your specific needs and tailor a solution to transform your recruitment process.
> Get in touch today